Claus Atzenbeck
Some information about
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Current Courses (Hof University, 2015–today)
(sorted by alphabet)
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Algorithms and Data Structures; 2nd semester students)
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (5th semester students)
- Formale Sprachen (Formal Languages; 4th semester students)
- Grundlagen der Informationstechnik (Introduction to IT; 1st semester students)
- Informationsräume (Information Spaces; 6th semester students)
- Objektorientiertes Programmieren I/II (Object-oriented Programming; 1st/2nd semester students)
- Von Hypertext zu Visual Analytics (From Hypertext to Visual Analytics; 6th semester students)
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Scientific writing; 1st semester students)
Previous Courses
2009–2011: Courses at German University in Cairo
2003–2009: Courses at Aalborg University and University
of Hildesheim
The following teaching was done for Aalborg University Esbjerg,
Department of Software and
Media Technology. Medialogy classes are/were taught in Esbjerg
and Copenhagen. Additionally, I gave guest lectures at the
University of Hildesheim.